Korsnäs arranges for the area use planning of Metsähallitus and Vattenfall’s offshore wind farm

The partnership of Metsähallitus and Vattenfall Oy is developing Finland’s first industrial-scale, open-sea offshore wind farm in territorial waters located within the municipality of Korsnäs.
Korsnäs will lead the process of adopting local master plans for the use of the project areas. With the wind farm covering an estimated 274 square kilometers of water and with associated infrastructure off- and onshore, the offshore wind project will have significant implications for land and water use in the region. In order to successfully execute the coordinated planning and project processes, Korsnäs has applied for financial aid and taken actions to proactively strengthen the internal organization’s structures, processes and competencies.
The Korsnäs offshore wind farm project is the first of its kind in Finland, auctioned and initially developed by Metsähallitus in accordance with its mandate from the Finnish state. The project has a planned capacity of up to 2 GW – more than the Olkiluoto 3 nuclear reactor and almost 30 % of the total Finnish wind power capacity at the end of 2023. Envisaged to be operational in the early 2030s, the Korsnäs offshore wind farm has the potential to be a key contributor to local industry and employment as well as the clean Finnish energy system as a whole.
DKCO advises Korsnäs on legal and strategic questions in connection with the local planning and project coordination processes.